{Turkey Trot errr…NOT}

Today I got up ate a pre-run breakfast, dressed in the warm layers I’d laid out the night before for my Turkey Trot race, packed hydration, made a new mini-playlist, and headed to the race.  I was excited to wear my new Reebok Cold Weather Compression tights that I got a super good deal on at the new Dick’s Sporting Goods that just opened near me.  Things were going smoothly.  Except halfway through my 45 minute drive to packet pickup and the race I heard the local radio station talking about turkey trotters running past their window and how cold they looked.  Say WHAT??!!

I promptly asked Siri what time the Turkey Trot started only to find that it started at 8:00 a.m. not 9:00 a.m. like this past weekends trot.  I had it in my pregnant brain that both trots started at 9:00.  After triple checking my error, I turned the car around full of disappointment.  I might have even cried a few tears.  I know… no use crying over my first missed race by mistake except this was more than just a race for me.  It was likely my last race before a long winter of mostly indoor runs and not racing.  It may have been my last race pre-baby.

While I’m super excited to have this little one here, they are not going to be here for a while.  And that is a long while to not race.  I miss having a race on the calendar to look forward to.  I miss anticipating the miles of the race ahead and the sights of the course.  I miss having a training plan to follow.  I miss running FAST!!  Not that I would have been going fast today, but it would have been a race regardless.  In Wisconsin there are very few races between December and March and the few that take place may be too snowy and slippery for me to do so I can’t really count on those.

So I let the tears come and went on my own turkey trot around my neighborhood.  It was a slow trot as it was snowy on the roads.  I’ll admit I worry about people’s judgements about pregnant woman running outside in the winter, but I also know I’ve run in the winter outside for the past 14 years and I know a thing or two about winter running.  I also would never run outside if I didn’t feel it was safe or that I’d be risking anything.  A few miles later and I felt so much happier, calmer and ready to be thankful for everything I have and for this little one on the way. So grateful to be having a healthy pregancy and baby thus far.

Tomorrow we are halfway to their arrival. I know that halfway will feel long in terms of running and racing, but it seems so exciting and terrifying that in 20 weeks I will have a child. Crazy! I know all the runs inside and the fewer miles will be so worth the blessing on the way. Running always brings me perspective and calms the thoughts in my head.

Hopefully your Turkey Trots went as you planned and you were given the chance to find some perspective and gratitude on this Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Thanksgiving!


{UW-L Turkey Trot 5k}

The deer hunting weekend tradition continued this year with my eighth Turkey Trot 5k. The race is one of my favorites and has become such a tradition it would be strange not to be completing this event. Per the usual last few years we walked this event as not everyone in our group is a runner.



The course has remained relatively unchanged over the years and the shirts are usually great. Every year I wonder what colors they will use and how they will incorporate Flash the Turkey onto the design.

Post-race we went to a favorite local restaurant for brunch followed by a day of shopping and Starbucks red cups. I love traditions and look forward to this one each year.

What turkey trot traditions do you have?? Anyone racing a local turkey trot or Thanksgiving race??

Next up-Festival Foods Turkey Trot 5 Mile Race on Thanksgiving.

{Festival Foods Turkey Trot-5 Mile}

Thanksgiving morning is the perfect time to get a little fitness in before you put a lot of calories in AND have fun! The race was low key, very organized, and a great value. With packet pickup at the La Crosse Center there were plenty of bathrooms, a warm place to wait, and plenty of parking.

It was a chilly morning, and I had just got new shoes in the mail. I couldn’t not wear them!

The La Crosse location started right behind the La Crosse Center along the mighty Mississippi. I got there just in time to get my stuff, visit the bathroom, and get in the wave before the national anthem. Since I didn’t have a ton of time I chose to run with only music and no watch or Runkeeper to give me my time or pace. That was great until a bit in when I really wanted to know how far I had ran.

I won’t lie, my body was hurting this am. I felt so stiff and tight. My lower back and hips were so tight I felt like I could hardly lift my legs. My pace felt hard and I felt dead legs. I slowed my pace a bit and began to feel a bit more relaxed as my body slowly warmed up.

By mile 3 I felt ok. I still felt like I was barely moving and dragging the whole race. If I needed a sign to do more stretching and cross training, then I got it. I need to take the next month to properly recover from my November races and get ready for proper marathon training in a month.

I crossed the finish line with no idea my time or pace; I estimated maybe 9:00/mile pace. I did some light stretching and headed over to get my pumpkin pie.

Even though I didn’t feel great this race, I would love to make it a turkey day tradition. Cute shirts, pumpkin pie, turkey day, and great race logistics all for $18. I’ll take it!

Oh, and I was surprised to see my time and pace online later in the afternoon. Maybe that’s why I felt blah. Maybe running without a watch or running app is a good thing.


Festival Foods Turkey Trot 5 Mile
Time: 39:15
Pace: 7:51
Overall: 179/991
Gender: 59/570
Age Group: 2/20

Happy Thanksgiving!!

{UW-L Turkey Trot Race Report}

Completing the UW-L Turkey Trot 5k has become a widow’s weekend tradition for my mom, my friend, and her mom. We always walk the event as our moms are not runners. The course is scenic, the shirts cute, and the time together fun. This year in honor of no shave November, my friend bought us all mustaches. It was the coldest Turkey Trot yet with temperatures of only 13 degrees (windchill -4) during out walk.

Staying warm pre-race.

Staying warm pre-race.

Turkey Trot 2013-2
Turkey Trot 2013-1
I love the marsh area the course takes us through.
Marsh smaller
Turkey Trot 2013-3
Turkey Trot 2013-5
Turkey Trot 2013-6
After our chilly walk, we headed out to brunch at a local breakfast joint with awesome food.

Then we used some of the great coupons that came in our race packet to get buy 1, get 1 free coffee from Cabin Coffee.
Cabin Coffee image smaller

Next, we headed to the Elmaro Vineyard near La Crosse where we enjoyed tasting wine, looking at fun stuff to buy, and more tasting of wine.
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Elmaro smaller
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Well, wine for most of us. I guess people frown upon women drinking wine when they’re growing a human inside their uterus. 7 Up would have to do.

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It was the perfect widow’s weekend, and I left with my wine wall stocked.

UW-L Turkey Trot
Pace: Walking
Time: It was so cold I swear the clock must have froze.
Overall: Something out of 2000 something
Gender: 2nd in our group of 4
Age Group: 2nd between my friend and I. Although she’ll be in a different age group than me in a month and a half. 😉

{Motivation Monday-Thanksgiving Week}

With Thanksgiving just days away, it is time to start planning your exercise and food choices TODAY. Yes, I said today. I find that by planning workouts and thinking about food ahead, I’m much less likely to miss workouts and go crazy with food. With the holidays bringing yummy foods and traditions that revolve around food, I find it best not to restrict myself from having foods I really enjoy. Some foods I don’t really love (aka gravy), so I choose not to eat them. Foods that I love that are associated with specific holidays such as pumpkin pie always find there way onto my holiday plate. I also try to fill up on healthy foods like vegetables first. To get you thinking about your food choices, consider this photo below and the miles you’d have to run after eating this meal. The point is to eat what you really enjoy and not what you don’t.
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This year I’m balancing my extra turkey day treats with a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. What a great way to mix in physical activity along with your regular traditions. I try to make sure I consistently workout during the holidays as I know I will be indulging in extra calories. By sticking to a workout plan and eating healthy meals when not enjoying treats of the season, I don’t feel guilty having some extra calories at specific times during the holidays. I also don’t finish the holidays feeling like I’ve got an eternity of working out to do to lose the unwanted pounds gained.

If you need some extra running motivation, take a look at Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak Challenge. The goal is to run a mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. That’s really only 10 minutes a day (tips to be successful)!

One last holiday motivation challenge is the Elf for Health Challenge (outlined below) that addresses many overall healthy choices and lifestyle changes.

How do you balance food, fun, and exercise during the holiday season? Which of these challenges would you be most likely to tackle? Choose one-you CAN!

Happy Monday!

{Friday Fab 5-Pasta with Pumpkin Sauce, Turkey Trots, Ugly Sweater 5k…}

{#1-Pasta with Pumpkin Sauce and Sage}
A new recipe I tried last week that was different, but really good. Perhaps not the healthiest, but not the worst either.

{#2-Rotary Lights 5k now Ugly Sweater 5k}
Ryan and I are all signed up for one of our favorite Christmas traditions. See my post about previous year’s Rotary Lights 5k for more info. Now to find an ugly sweater for me and the husband…insert evil laugh!

{#3-UW-L Turkey Trot}
This weekend will be my 7th Turkey Trot. Can’t wait.

{#4-Festival Foods 5 Mile}
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New on my racing calendar is the Thanksgiving Day 5 miler. I’ve always wanted to race on the actual turkey day, and Thursday I will make my debut!

{#5-Relaxin’ with a Runner’s World}
Made time to do some reading about running this week. I heart Runner’s World.

Anybody else have holiday races coming up?

Happy Weekend!

{Friday Fab 5}

{#1-Loving these not sneaks, not stilettos shoes}
Ever since spraining the ankle, I’ve been forced to wear more flats. When flats look like these they are not so bad. Plus I got points towards more shoes at DSW-win-win!

{#2-It’s Turkey Trot Season}

I had to get a festive Sweaty Band to wear at one or more of the turkey trots I’m running this month.

{#3-State #14 is this weekend!}

We are off to Kansas this weekend! Bring on highs near 60 degrees. You know you live in Wisconsin if this makes you excited!

{#4-NYC Memories}

I saw this in Women’s Running Magazine this month and found it so fitting from my recent trip there. One of the best ways to see NYC is in your sneaks! Click sneaks to read about my 8-9 miles NYC run all over.

{#5-Veterans Day}

A special vet in my life!

Don’t forget to thank a service member and their families this weekend in advance of this important day. I’m so grateful for all they’ve given and done for each of us. How different our world would be without their bravery, selflessness, and sacrifice. Thank you veterans!

Happy Weekend!